Completed Projects
SHOW Floor - "The Chinese Lady" (2022)
SHOW Floor - "It's Only Life" (2022)
Windows - "The Turn of the Screw" (2018)
Hopper Painting Reproduction - Class Project (2018)
Floor - "Romeo and Juliet" (2016)
Sci-fi/Side Show Banners - "The Rocky Horror Show" (2015)
Deer Head (Pre-Sculpted) - "Crazy for You" (2015)
Bust (Foam Carving and Additive Sculpting) - Class Project (2019)
Audrey II Lamp (Screen Wire Sculpture - Class Project (2019)
Medallion (Foam Carving) - Class Project (2019)
Frieze (Additive Sculpting) - Class Project (2019)
Joshua E. Gallagher, Scenic Designer / [email protected] / 570-336-0376 / Site Updated: 6/23/24